In this time of tight budgets and penny pinching, I have turned to giveaways to frequently to satisfy my yen for luxury goods that are ,er, not quit affordable. One that is on my watch list right now is The 7 Deadly Sins giveaway. This a great giveaway running over the next few weeks called the 7 deadly sins. It features luxury items we envy and high tech gadgets we lust for. Did I enter already, you betcha! I will be entering every week as the contest progresses. The item I must covet it the listing under Envy. That is the beautiful Y-Bow Bowler Bag from Yves Saint-Laurent. I love it! I need it.

Every week there will be a different prize draw. And the prizes, beyond the YSL bag, are amazing! This week the sin is Pride, and the giveaway is Ulta Beauty Basket. Coming up are:
Wrath: Feb 26 — Mar 5 PS3 & Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Sloth: Mar 5 — Mar 12 Tivo HD DVR
Greed Mar 12 — Mar 19 Raybans in 4 Colors
Lust Mar 19 — Mar 26 Apple iPad
Envy Mar 26 — Apr 2 Yves Saint Laurent Bag
To enter into this giveaway, and try to win each deadly sin object of lust, click here. When you are asked for a referral code, please enter this one: RECESSCHIC like so.

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