So, I just have to say it. What is up with the fall plaid trend? I was strolling down Fifth Avenue in Gotham City today enjoying all the needful things and window shopping, when there it was. I stopped in my tracks. A very upscale retailer's window display was full of....plaid! And not just any plaid. The display showed a plaid jumper that bore an eerie resemblance to the jumper I was forced to wear by my mother at St. Bartholomew's Catholic School. Most shocking of all, in addition to the bad memories, was the price tag. The jumper was not cheap. It was over $100.00 US. So I just have to remark upon this trend, what is going on with all the plaid? What's next? Will the plaid jumper take over Rodeo Drive, the Mall of America, shops on Oxford Street, boutiques along the Champs-Élysées and more? Plaid has already hit the racks in the new Miley and Max Azria collection at Walmart. And, it's selling out. The plaid tops by Miley & Max are "no longer in stock" online.
There are also half-bred, hybrid plaid garments rearing up. By this, I mean a garment with a solid top and a plaid bottom.
I just don't know what to think about this. Do I call Sister Hilda and tell her to recycle all the old plaid uniforms because she could make a fashion statement and maybe a little cash? Or, do I get into the spirit of the season and run to my favorite plaid retailer, Burberry, for tasteful fall plaid cover once it hits the sales racks?
Readers, what do you think? Are you loving the new fall plaid trend, or are you also having a bad school uniform flashback? I've already sighted plaid at Topshop, Juicy Couture, Macy's and the Gap. Were any of you forced to wear plaid as children?